

Feedback vs. Criticism

My Mom was fond of saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it”. But what happens when you have to say something, well, that isn’t all roses? As an entrepreneur, you have to speak up and address problems and unwanted behaviors from clients and team members. But how do you do […]

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Since I began working as a business coach with Asentiv in 2008, I’ve been sharing my experience as an entrepreneur and human being openly and honestly with my clients. My intention has been simple – to help them build an amazing business and spectacular life, regardless of where they are on their journey in entrepreneurship.

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Fearless Transitions

3 Principles To Practice Through Changes in Life and Business Nothing is permanent. This is especially true in the fast-paced, fly by the seat of your pants business world. I believe in the motto – “grow or go”. Standing still and trying to fight or resist change around me never works, it is also not

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Be a Scheduling Ninja, Part 2

A few step by step practices for really kicking time’s ass In my previous post, I introduced some big picture strategies that help me master my schedule as an active and engaged entrepreneur, business coach, speaker, community contributor, mom and traveling gypsy. In this post, I want to get down to the nitty-gritty and give

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Be a Scheduling Ninja, Part 1

A few key strategies that help me kick time’s ass First of all, why would you want to be a scheduling ninja? If you don’t like to conserve energy, be more efficient, have predictable and consistent results, build scalability in your business, and most of all have people like you, then you should probably just

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Business Travel with Soul

How a Recent business Trip to Southeast Asia Inspired Me In November 2018 I took a trip to Thailand to attend the BNI Global Convention. In need of some time to recharge after a jam-packed year in business, I tacked on an extra two weeks to my trip and it might be the best decision

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The Power of Connection

I can strike up a conversation with a rock wall. Those of you who know me can attest to this. One of my favorite places to practice my gift of gab is in airports and on planes. Talk about a cross-section of humanity… and a totally captive audience. They can’t get away from me… hah!

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