
Don’t wait, Go do the “thing” with Damon Burton

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Series One: The Ripping Off of the Bandaid!


First off, WHOA, I am finally putting these up, which I have been sitting on for half of a year!  Why?!?! The little devils on my shoulders with the “ Who are you?”, “No One will Listen”, “these are not good enough”…  Well, little voice, see ya later, I am chucking up the deuces to you and ripping off the bandaid of Podcasting!


Throughout my first 9 episodes, get a look behind the scenes at me figuring my way around, Entrepreneurs from across the USA sharing some of their first moments, secret sauces, and how they have navigated life on their own terms.

There is this new thing called the “internet”….


Most of us are hesitant when it comes to new things, the unknown, and change.  The crazy thing is though, that is where change happens, growth lies, and evolution occurs!  That place can be the birth of new.

It has been a journey for me to lean into that discomfort of change, yes I know you thought I was born that way, but no really, I had to learn how to lean into it.  I don’t think being a Virgo helped that much either.  The fact is I have learned to say YES to new, be curious and take action around growth and become besties with the discomfort.  It has forever changed my life!

Entrepreneurship is most fulfilling, sustainable, and scalable when we learn this.  Regardless of what others think about your journey, haters will hate, it is NOT theirs, so do not be sidetracked by the comfort of their ideas of how your life should be.

I am stoked about this next guest, Damon Burton, a man who has taken many leaps, said yes, dove into the unknown, literally before people really understood the internet, and made a life on his own terms.  A lifelong “doer” he learned early to be creative with his time while prioritizing what matters most and maximizing his efforts.

My guest today, Damon Burton is a Husband, a Father, Author, Speaker, and SEO Guru.  Over a decade ago he beat a billion-dollar company by outranking their website on Google. Since then, he knew he was onto something and has gone on to build an international search engine marketing company that’s worked with NBA teams, and Inc 5000 & Shark Tank featured businesses.  All this and more, with authenticity, humbleness, and kindness that you can’t help but like this guy!

Be prepared to be inspired, challenged, and excited to go out and try something new with your business.

What you’ll hear about in this episode:

  • Setting a pace for your day, the 5 am club?
  • Maximize time after you have prioritized it!
  • Haters are going to hate, and they usually are in your close circle
  • Get creative with your time and efforts
  • Risk vs Reward and then “rinse and repeat”
  • Social Proof, a simple way to gain this and why it is important
  • And much more!

Last little nuggets:

  • Starting a business is like having kids, there is never a perfect time
  • Don’t stop!  Entrepreneurship is not easy, but it’s worth it
  • Success changes those around you more than it changes you
  • Become a fan of delayed gratification!!
  • And more…..

Subscribe and Review:

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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Acast Podcasts* to get automatic updates. My goal for this podcast is to inspire you to truly live life on YOUR terms and owning your journey.

Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

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