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Series One: The Ripping Off of the Bandaid!
First off, WHOA, I am finally putting these up, which I have been sitting on for half of a year! Why?!?! The little devils on my shoulders with the “ Who are you?”, “No One will Listen”, “these are not good enough”… Well, little voice, see ya later, I am chucking up the deuces to you and ripping off the bandaid of Podcasting!
Throughout my first 9 episodes, get a look behind the scenes at me figuring my way around, Entrepreneurs from across the USA sharing some of their first moments, secret sauces, and how they have navigated life on their own terms.
Feet on the ground, Head in the clouds…
The Law of Attraction, you might have heard about this by now.. LOL.. It is written about in books, plastered over podcasts, Facebook and now on ClubHouse. How many of you actually use it? Apply it? Actively?
This is something I have been practicing, way before the secret came out, and even before I knew it was a thing. I got out of some crazy situations, broke the abuse cycle with my family, brought healing to myself and my world, created businesses and more, all while using this “secret”. What we speak, we believe, we can achieve. Think of it this way, where your implicit and explicit beliefs (voices) spend the most time at (negative or positive) you are going to attract more of just that! I would encourage you to take a look at where your thoughts are dancing, and is it getting you to where you want to be? Listen to the journey of my next speaker as she tells her story of manifestation and the law of attraction.
In this podcast you’re going to hear from one bad ass mamma jamma, Toccara Karizma (come on, even her name is dope!). Born to serious type A, successful, Entrepreneurs, she had hustling and determination pumping through her veins since a baby! With a degree in business economics, fire in her belly and anything is possible constantly whispering in her ear, she has created global success, all while being a single mom of two. Toccara has straddled realities, physical and mental, to create a life on her own terms, to be who she always knew she was destined to be!
My guest today, Toccara Karizma is a MOM, Creator, Entrepreneur, Facebook GURU, Speaker, Course Creator, Marketing Strategist Expert, Data Lover, Dream Setter. She has created, launched and ran many businesses in her life, with global impact and many commas! She has a zest for life that is gigantic and an energy to match. You can not help but to be energized and ready to leap when you speak with Toccara! Are you ready to start manifesting your bigger purpose?
Be prepared to be moved, inspired, and left a bit fierier about what YOU CAN DO in your own life.
What you’ll hear about in this episode:
- Building infrastructure, and continuing to build onto it
- Law of Attraction
- Nothing is finite
- Live as you have it!
- Sweat Equity and how to use it
- Incremental goals, checking and following your data
- Positioning yourself as the expert
- Time versus money
- And much more!
Last little nuggets:
- Abundance mindset vs scarcity
- Secret tips!!!
- Align to your true purpose
- Use affirmations
- And soooo muuuchhhh morrrre!
Subscribe and Review:
Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Acast Podcasts* to get automatic updates. My goal for this podcast is to inspire you to truly live life on YOUR terms and owning your journey.
Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- https://toccarakarizma.com
- https://www.facebook.com/toccara.chrisman
- Toccarakarizma
- Karizmamarketing.com
- Book: Follow your Passion, Find your Power: Bob Doyle
- Book/Movie: The Secret Rhonda Byrne
- Follow me on Instagram @lynnhoward_digitalnomad on FB @Lynnhbusinesscoach and LinkedIn @lynn Howard